Now usually i only write about food that I believe other people can easily access. that's why i dont really write about a food i've made or had at someone's house because how is john doe gonna taste that deliciousness? however, after much thought, I have decided that i'll write about food that I have had that can't be bought if I tell you how you can experience that yummyness too. so i'll only write about it if i can give you the recipe and tell you how to make it. cuz otherwise there would be no point in just me writing about it if you cant taste it! case in point, wonton wrappers. I had heard about the versatility of wonton wrappers but haven't had the chance to get my hands on some for a while now so when my mom mentioned she would be making eggrolls, i got very excited! first i tried savory stuff. she made the eggroll filling (mainly just chopped up vegetables- your choice, we have celery,carrots, cabbage, etc) and shredded chicken and some noodles). but they wrap it and deep fry it. i sprayed a muffin pan with non stick and then scrunched the dough up and then filled it with the mix and baked it kinda like a tart. it was crunchy and just as good as its fried counterpart, frankly i liked it a lot better, much less greasy. then for dessert i did the same thing, but filled it up with fruit we had (we had several- blueberries, banana, peach were used) and a cream filling recipe that i kinda made up along the way that ended up tasting good (just cream cheese, a little ricotta, sugar, and some milk- you can taste it along the way to tweak it, i didn't use measurements). and ta da! fruit tarts, not as pretty as the ones in the store but still something. they were good. some of the fruits were tart but the cream filling complimented it very well and made it balanced. then i also made faux crepes by laying the square out and filling it with chocolate, banana, and peanut butter and then just folding it up into a triangle and baking it again. pretty good for at home stuff. if you ever have wonton wrappers on hand (get em at an asian store?- i dunno where my mom got them) try out this stuff and get creative with your own recipes too!
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