Sooo I was gonna add this to the other post but we had a lot of yummy stuff from here so it gets its own post. First, we trekked here for their ice cream sandwiches!! they looked so good! Here are the four that they served. We only tried two. the ones on the bottom left (coconut macaron with coconut and mango sorbet) and bottom right (berry macaron with strawberry cheesecake ice cream). We are going back for the other two though!!! Top left (pistachio macaron with pistachio and rasberry ice cream) and top right (brownie with mexican vanilla bean ice cream)

Lemme tell yall they were sooooooooooo good! I thought the berry one would taste like a strawberry shortcake ice cream and it did!!! The berry macaron was screaming berry and the cheesecake ice cream mellowed out the strong berry flavor with its creamy silky smooth flavor.Now, the coconut mango one I ordered because Mona doesnt really try new things that are out there. Boy, was she wrong on that one. This was the BEST thing we had there! The flavors were so dominant! The coconut sorbet was so coconut-y and the mango sorbet tasted like I was eating silky smooth mango! When you first bite it you get the soft macaron and then POW! mango! and youre like mmmmm but then the coconut comes in and is like HEEEEYYYY y'all wassup!! and they just come together really well!

Next up, the chocolate and coconut sorbet push pop. We ordered this cuz we were intrigued by it. That and we liked the push pops we have had in the past so why not? It was a little hard to eat at first because it was frozen solid. But we figured you have to eat it by pushing the ice cream all the way to the top. which was weird and annoying because then it started melting and it would definitely get messy. But, once you get the chocolate and coconut flavors together its pretty good. because on its own the chocolate is too overpowering but the creamy coconut is a good palate cleanser. Then we had the raspberry lychee macaron because he is known for his macaroons. this one was ok, but not something i would order again because it was kinda too sweet. the lychee was definitely present in the filling and it was a nice berry flavor that blended well with the raspberry. but after a few bites I was tired of it.

As our last thing, we saw this chocolate raspberry gateu roulle cake on unique sweets and wanted to try it. It was nice and chocolate-y!! When you first have a bite of just the light brown mousse and cake youre like eh. But you really have to get every component in one bite to enjoy it. The chocolate ganache on top with the crispy wafers really add a contrast of textures. I would order it again. Overall, the coconut mango macaron ice cream sandwich was the all star and my favorite go to dessert. But, I still wanna try the other two ice cream sandwiches but I have a feeling I know who will win. Anyhow, it is a SOLID bakery and Ive never been to a bakery where I loved multiple treats so GO NOW!!!!
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